Carol Wontkowski
Artist Statement:
There is design and order in the universe, in spite of and apart from human influence. Gravitational pull, the seasonal changes, cellular replication, animal behavior, biological homeostasis, oceanic tides, the miracle of human gestation, mathematical equations and constructs all reflect and point to a Designer. Amidst the complexity of it all, as we peel away the outer layers, there often emerges a simplicity to what we see, think or feel. And the result can be surprisingly beautiful.
Though we live in a world marred by man’s pain, sorrow, violence, injustice, greed, prejudice and hate, there is still much beauty; beauty in the common things, everyday things around us. My desire is to create the most evocative image possible; to portray common things, often, in an uncommon way, in order to capture some of the essence of the Designer and to transport the viewer, no matter how briefly, to a more tranquil and serene view of this world.
I am drawn to both natural beauty and patterns that are naturally created, the everyday things we too often take for granted. It is a challenge the render this common beauty in an uncommon way or to simply woo its essence from what is seen.
There is design and order in the universe, in spite of and apart from human influence. Gravitational pull, the seasonal changes, cellular replication, animal behavior, biological homeostasis, oceanic tides, the miracle of human gestation, mathematical equations and constructs all reflect and point to a Designer. Amidst the complexity of it all, as we peel away the outer layers, there often emerges a simplicity to what we see, think or feel. And the result can be surprisingly beautiful.
Though we live in a world marred by man’s pain, sorrow, violence, injustice, greed, prejudice and hate, there is still much beauty; beauty in the common things, everyday things around us. My desire is to create the most evocative image possible; to portray common things, often, in an uncommon way, in order to capture some of the essence of the Designer and to transport the viewer, no matter how briefly, to a more tranquil and serene view of this world.
I am drawn to both natural beauty and patterns that are naturally created, the everyday things we too often take for granted. It is a challenge the render this common beauty in an uncommon way or to simply woo its essence from what is seen.
“The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera.” -Dorothea Lange |
Artist Bio:
Carol began her career in commercial photography, moved into freelance and in the last ten years has exhibited throughout New England, in New York, on the East Coast and California. She is represented locally in Boston and the Boston area and the Canterbury Shaker Village Museum Gift Shop. A member of the Cambridge Art Association, Wickford Art Association and the Attleboro Arts Museum, Carol’s work has won awards and is in private collections. She is a published finalist in Photographer’s Forum magazine’s “Best of Photography", 2011 through 2014 and 2016, and is a published artist in the Winter 2016-2017 issue of Studio Visit magazine. She offers photography lessons privately as well as to groups through galleries in Southeast Massachusetts.
Carol began her career in commercial photography, moved into freelance and in the last ten years has exhibited throughout New England, in New York, on the East Coast and California. She is represented locally in Boston and the Boston area and the Canterbury Shaker Village Museum Gift Shop. A member of the Cambridge Art Association, Wickford Art Association and the Attleboro Arts Museum, Carol’s work has won awards and is in private collections. She is a published finalist in Photographer’s Forum magazine’s “Best of Photography", 2011 through 2014 and 2016, and is a published artist in the Winter 2016-2017 issue of Studio Visit magazine. She offers photography lessons privately as well as to groups through galleries in Southeast Massachusetts.